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Our Stories


I think becoming grateful is something that just happens. For me it happened March 15th […]

What Success Means to Me

I guess you could say that my life before Tamarack was probably not too different […]

What Aftercare Means to Me

When I think about how I felt during my first days at Tamarack, oh my […]

Beginning Again

I have been an addict in one way or another, my entire life. It was […]

What Friendship in Recovery Means to Me

Thinking about the time when you came to Tamarack, how important was friendship to you? […]

The Rewards of Recovery

You graduated Tamarack’s program over 4 ½ years ago; what does your life look like […]

Returning to Recovery

Tell us a little about your recovery journey: what has this process looked like?It’s been […]

A Father’s Perspective

Background: Tamsin* came to Tamarack six years ago. She was in her early twenties and […]

Staying Vigilant in Recovery

Tell us a little about the journey that led you to Tamarack?I had several years […]

A Life-Changing Opportunity

Thinking back, what was the process like when you realized you needed help? On reflection, […]

The Father I Want To Be

I came to Tamarack in 2011 looking for help with stopping my addiction to crack […]

Making Connections

Believe it or not, my wake-up call didn’t come when I was 3 ½ months […]

It’s never too early or too late
to take action and change
your life for the better.
We’re here to help.

If you are ready to make a commitment to changing your life and would like us to work with you to develop a plan, please fill out our intake form.