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Program Details

High standard of treatment for every client

High-quality treatment services are continually evolving. In line with our commitment to continuous improvement, Tamarack has incorporated Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) approaches into its program. 

DBT was created to provide individuals with the skills to cope with distressing emotions safely, build mastery and a sense of accomplishment with navigating life’s challenges, and begin to create a life worth living. 

All our staff are conversant in the basics of DBT and our clinical team has completed additional training. Clients are provided with two DBT specific groups each week in addition to DBT skills and input woven into the regular program of psychoeducational workshops, therapy groups and drug addiction counselling.


of clients chose Tamarack because the program was recommended by someone they trust.



The days leading up to treatment can often be anxiety-provoking and sometimes challenging. This is the beginning of one of the most important things you can do for yourself and we want to support you right from the start. This support will help you arrive at treatment ready to begin and will set you up to have the best chance at completing it. Once you’re a graduate you’ll have access to our unlimited no-cost aftercare supports. This is a service combination that has helped thousands of Manitobans achieve and maintain long-term sobriety and recovery.

Our specialized pre-treatment program meets the individual needs of each prospective client and is provided free of charge. Our counsellors and Intake Coordinator use an in-house toolbox of evidence-based methods, resources and strategies to support clients as they prepare for residential treatment at Tamarack.

It’s never too early to reach out, and we are here to help you with a plan. We’ll give you the support you need to achieve 10 or 28 days abstinence and help you to transition smoothly into treatment at Tamarack.



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Recovery happens on many levels; mental, physical and emotional. We have developed an in-depth treatment program that addresses these different areas, delivered in various formats. Our program is designed to help you understand and deal with the issues that lead to alcohol and drug addiction while learning and practicing new life skills that will give you a better chance at long-term recovery.

We work alongside our clients to create a treatment experience that is meaningful, comprehensive and ensures success. Clients will participate in individual drug and alcohol addiction counselling sessions along with group therapy.


of Tamarack’s clients who are satisfied or highly satisfied with Tamarack’s workshops and treatment quality.

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of Tamarack graduates strongly agree that they have access to resources for ongoing support


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Tamarack is building on the success of our current programs by operating a transitional housing facility for graduates who wish to develop greater independence and grow in recovery while living in safe, supervised, sober housing.
We know first-hand how hard our clients work while in our treatment program and the transformative impact their new sober life can have on themselves, their loved ones, colleagues and community.

The Supportive Recovery House is owned and operated by Tamarack and will provide much needed safe, sober, cost-effective housing options for graduates of our treatment program.

The home is staffed 24/7 to ensure it is a safe, drug-free environment and will extend the aftercare program to allow clients up to 15-months recovery in a supported living environment before finding their own accommodation.
Similar to our residential treatment centre, the Recovery House will embody the look and feel of a family home, with a communal kitchen, dining and living room spaces – a home away from home.

Addiction Aftercare

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High-quality support shouldn’t have an expiry date. That’s why we offer free aftercare support to all graduate clients for as long as they need it. 

Recovery is a journey that doesn’t end when treatment is complete; often, some of the biggest challenges lie in life after treatment.

For families and loved ones, the reintegration of a person in recovery can create challenges and stresses. Research indicates that those closely connected to a client in treatment must be supported in their own recovery process for the client to have the best chance of success. 

Our Forward in Recovery aftercare program provides the vital connection many graduate clients and their loved ones need to maintain the momentum of recovery after treatment. This program has no cost and no end date. 


Hours of aftercare services provided over the course of the year through Tamarack’s innovative and responsive “Forward In Recovery” (FIR) program.


Tamarack’s residential treatment program is 60 days. An extended 78-day treatment program is available for individuals who do not yet have 28 days free of alcohol/drugs. If you feel you’d benefit from additional time in treatment, we can tailor an extended program to suit you. We also offer ongoing aftercare support to all graduate clients.  

We manage our waitlist carefully to ensure that you can receive support quickly and access treatment in a timely way. If you meet all the requirements, you could be in treatment right away. If you’re ready to take the next step towards recovery, fill out our Intake Form. 

Yes. When Tamarack refers to clients having a period of abstinence or sobriety time we are talking about time that is entirely free of drug or alcohol use. 

Fill out an Intake Form to set up an appointment and discuss the options available to you.

Tell them about Tamarack. You may wish to use our brochure as a starting point as it includes helpful information about our programs and services. Have your friend/loved one contact our Intake Specialist to discuss their treatment options in confidence. You may also wish to contact our Intake Specialist, who will be happy to talk with you about your situation. If this person’s addiction affects you or your family, there are groups in Winnipeg that provide support to family members or loved ones such as Families Anonymous and Al-anon

It’s never too early or too late
to take action and change
your life for the better.
We’re here to help.

If you are ready to make a commitment to changing your life and would like us to work with you to develop a plan, please fill out our intake form.