Intake Form X



If you feel passionate about working for one of the top rehab centers in Canada, volunteering or training with us, please see the vacancies below.

Work here:

Tamarack Recovery Centre is hiring for the position of Residential Care Worker. This is currently a casual position requiring a willingness and availability to work overnights, evenings and weekend shifts. Current First Aid and Non-Violent Crisis Intervention certification are required along with a recent vulnerable persons sector and criminal records check. Experience and knowledge of the recovery field is an asset. Please email your resume to

Train here:

If you are a student in a therapy, social work or counselling oriented training program or if you are a supervisor looking to provide students with an enriching practicum experience, please contact our Clinical Supervisor, Joanne Riedle, to discuss the learning opportunities we can provide:

Volunteer here:

Tamarack’s volunteers support us by assisting Residential Care Workers in the evenings or on weekends, facilitating recovery study groups or bringing their abilities as skilled tradespeople to help with occasional maintenance. If you have a skill that you would like to share, please connect with us.