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Program Overview

Recovery is a journey that starts with you

Our recovery program helps clients discover the answers to two crucial questions; “why did I become addicted?” and “how do I recover?”

The process of recovery involves making connections between long term pain and addictive behaviours as an attempt to cope – this is vital. Without it, clients are more likely to return to old patterns of thinking and behaviour, putting them at a higher risk of relapse.

Addiction treatment must also involve the development of new life skills. We offer practical tools, skills and insight to empower clients to work on unresolved issues, build relationships and connect with healthy supports to maintain long term recovery.

Tamarack’s Unique Structured Program

client driven


We believe that with the right support, everyone is capable of renewal and change. Our clients are provided with the opportunity to commit to a healthier, more rewarding life with the tools to make those changes. Our programs treat alcohol and drug addiction as a symptom of unresolved underlying issues. Our structured recovery program is designed to help clients make the connection between long-term pain and the use of addictive behaviours as an attempt to cope.



Our 60-day residential alcohol and drug addiction treatment program is for individuals who are 28 days abstinent from substances. We understand that meeting this requirement may be a challenge and so we offer an extended 78-day program for applicants who do not yet have 28 days sobriety, which clients can begin after 10 days detox or abstinence. Our aftercare support, combined with a focus on lifestyle management, empowers our clients to maintain long-term recovery.



We offer a safe, comfortable, therapeutic experience within the community in which our facility is located. We teach skills for life after treatment to enable a smooth transition back into the community. These skills help facilitate supportive networks to maintain a healthy new lifestyle and deal with life’s challenges.

quality care


Tamarack Recovery Centre is “Accredited with Exemplary Standing” by Accreditation Canada. We strive to be one of the top rehab centres in Canada through our high standards of safety, excellence and professionalism in addiction treatment and recovery services.

tree rings
of clients who responded to our three annual surveys were sober when contacted via text survey by our aftercare coordinator, and 46% were continuously sober since completing treatment, ranging from three months to over ten years.

Tamarack Recovery Centre Annual Report 2019/2020

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Our co-ed program offers opportunities for sharing and discovering different perspectives on alcohol and drug addiction issues while giving people a chance to develop healthy, supportive relationships with individuals of the opposite sex.

Client safety is our highest priority. We have clear and specific boundaries concerning living arrangements and contact between clients to ensure that an individual’s recovery remains of the utmost importance.

small groups


Our small, personal setting means that our staff can form genuine relationships with every one of our clients. We cook dinner and eat together every night, allowing clients and staff the opportunity to know one another better. Our comfortable common spaces are a great place to connect. You’re more than just a client at Tamarack. We put emphasis on building meaningful connections with each person in the home.

Accredited with Exemplary Standing

We are “Accredited with Exemplary Standing” by Accreditation Canada, a not-for-profit, independent organization accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua).

Exemplary Standing is the highest level performance that can be attained in the Accreditation Canada program and demonstrates our commitment to progressive, high-quality client care.

To achieve and maintain accreditation, Tamarack’s leadership, governance, clinical programs and services are regularly assessed by Accreditation Canada and must meet or exceed national standards for continual improvement, quality and safety.

Our Staff

We pride ourselves on our professional, committed and compassionate staff. Working together, we ensure high standards in client care, addiction treatment and addiction recovery services. The safety, comfort and support of those taking steps towards recovery are our top priorities.

The Tamarack Recovery Centre staff, led by our Executive Director, is made up of an Operations Manager, Clinical Supervisor, three full-time Counsellors and eight Residential Care Workers (RCWs). Our small but effective team gets to know and form genuine relationships with every client, and we are always there for them. 

It’s never too early or too late
to take action and change
your life for the better.
We’re here to help.

If you are ready to make a commitment to changing your life and would like us to work with you to develop a plan, please fill out our intake form.