Intake Form X


A Father’s Perspective

Background: Tamsin* came to Tamarack six years ago. She was in her early twenties and struggling with cocaine addiction and self-harm behavior. She completed the program and stayed on several months beyond her graduation to transition into her home life once again.

Tamsin did very well and soon after leaving she returned to full-time work. Tamsin faithfully attended aftercare for the next several years and built and maintained supportive relationships within Tamarack. Tamsin has experienced several life struggles during her time in recovery including challenges to family relationships.

Tamsin called on Tamarack to help repair and strengthen the relationship with her father. Tamsin felt that she needed a safe place to say some things, as well to give her father the opportunity to do the same. Tamsin, her father and the FIR coordinator went about this task.

Today Tamsin continues to remain in recovery, still faithfully attends FIR and is an integral part of the group. Tamsin and her father continue to work through their issues and great progress has been made. Tamsin’s father continues to stay in touch with Tamarack and has requested some guidance along the way. We asked for a few words and he replied:

I would like to provide my support for the Tamarak Recovery Centre and more specifically the aftercare and family component of the services provided. My daughter has completed the program at Tamarak and attends aftercare on a regular basis. This continuing program is crucial for her recovery as she is allowed to keep in contact with staff and reinforce the positive direction and correct decisions to manage her sobriety.

My daughter and I have also benefitted from the family support provided. In our situation my daughter was dealing with her addictions as well as some mental health and family issues. While the relationship with my daughter was strong, we still needed assistance with communication and understanding around that.

The outstanding staff at Tamarak facilitated our conversations and this led to a much stronger bond with my daughter. As a result I was in a much better position to support and assist in her sobriety. While it was a difficult process to go through, it was absolutely worthwhile and incredibly helpful. My daughter continues to attend aftercare and our relationship is very strong.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to express my strong support for this vitally important service.

*Names have been changed to protect client identities
