Intake Form X


We are open for treatment throughout this time and now offer addictions recovery phone support. Find out more here.


Lasting Change
Begins Now

Tamarack Recovery Centre is a private, non-profit, accredited organization providing abstinence-based residential addiction treatment and recovery services in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for over 45 years.

tree rings

Our Programs

Tamarack’s 60-day residential treatment program requires that clients remain drug-free and alcohol-free for at least 28 days before moving into Tamarack. We understand this requirement may be a challenge for some – so we also offer a 78-day program. This means we will accept some prospective clients following a period of 10 days detox and abstinence.

We are committed to supporting our prospective clients during this time and have developed a specialized pre-treatment program to do just that.


The days leading up to treatment can often be anxiety-provoking and sometimes challenging. This is the beginning of one of the most important things you can do for yourself, and we want to support you right from the start. This support will help you arrive at treatment, ready to begin and set you up to have the best chance to complete it. Once you’re a graduate, you’ll have access to our unlimited no-cost aftercare supports. This is a service combination that has helped thousands of Manitobans achieve and maintain long-term sobriety and recovery.

Our specialized pre-treatment program meets the individual needs of each prospective client and is provided free of charge. Our counsellors and Intake Coordinator use an in-house toolbox of evidence-based methods, resources and strategies to support clients as they prepare for residential treatment at Tamarack.

It’s never too early to reach out, and we are here to help you with a plan. We’ll give you the support you need to achieve 10 or 28 days of abstinence and help you transition smoothly into treatment at Tamarack.

“If you’re ready to take recovery seriously, Tamarack is the right place to be.”

-Tamarack Client
Comprehensive Treatment icon

Recovery happens on many levels; mental, physical and emotional. We have developed an in-depth treatment program that addresses these different areas. Our program is designed to help you understand and deal with the issues that lead to alcohol and drug addiction while learning and practicing new life skills that will give you a better chance at long-term recovery.

We work alongside our clients to create a treatment experience that is meaningful, comprehensive and ensures success. Clients will participate in individual drug and alcohol addiction counselling sessions along with group therapy.

“The Tamarack program transformed my way of thinking about life issues.”

-Tamarack Client
Transition Housing icon

Tamarack seeks to build on the success of our current programs by operating a transitional housing facility for graduates who wish to develop greater independence and grow in recovery while living in safe, supervised, sober housing.

The Recovery House is located close to our current treatment centre so we can seamlessly extend our culture of safety, connection, and support.

Clients living in the Recovery House will commit to either actively looking for employment, returning to school or volunteering during the day.

“In treatment, it’s kind of a bubble. When you get out, you’re in reality. Having somewhere where you can go, where you’re always welcome is so helpful. I always have a place to go when things get rough.”

-Tamarack Client
Addiction Aftercare icon

Recovery is a journey that doesn’t end when treatment is complete.

Our Forward in Recovery aftercare program provides the vital connection many graduate clients and their families need to maintain the momentum of recovery after treatment. 

We offer our graduates free of charge services to ensure recovery skills are retained and strengthened when they return to their family, community and employment. Graduates may need the time and space to continue their work or address new challenges encountered in life after treatment. Our Forward in Recovery provision means they can do this within a familiar setting and with someone they know and trust.

Family members of our clients are also part of the recovery journey, and sometimes this journey can be stressful and exhausting. We want families to experience the joy of recovery, which is why we offer free aftercare programs and support them too. 

“Aftercare is a time for us to get together and talk about how we’re feeling and how we’re doing in the outside world. It’s very important, it keeps me sober.”

-Tamarack Client
of clients who responded to our three annual surveys were sober when contacted via text survey by our aftercare coordinator, and 46% were continuously sober since completing treatment, ranging from three months to over ten years.

Tamarack Recovery Centre Annual Report 2019/2020

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Accredited with Exemplary Standing

We are “Accredited with Exemplary Standing” by Accreditation Canada, a not-for-profit, independent organization accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua).

Exemplary Standing is the highest level performance that can be attained in the Accreditation Canada program and demonstrates our commitment to progressive, high-quality client care.

Our Stories


I think becoming grateful is something that just happens. For me it happened March 15th…

What Success Means to Me

I guess you could say that my life before Tamarack was probably not too different…

What Aftercare Means to Me

When I think about how I felt during my first days at Tamarack, oh my…

It’s never too early or too late
to take action and change
your life for the better.
We’re here to help.

If you are ready to make a commitment to changing your life and would like us to work with you to develop a plan, please fill out our intake form.